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Comparison: Glove80 vs Kinesis Advantage360 vs Moonlander vs Advantage2

To help users looking for ergonomic keyboards with the best ergonomics, we have compiled a comparison of three columnar ergonomic keyboards (Glove80, Advantage360 Pro & Advantage2) with concave key wells, and a popular flat columnar ergonomic keyboard (Moonlander Mk.1).

Ergonomic keyboards are important tools for maintaining the good health of keyboard users' hands and wrists. We are all unique with different hand sizes, shapes, habits, and needs. Ergonomic keyboards are not created equal; each has a different ergonomic design and suits different bodies and requirements.

Broadly speaking, ergonomic keyboards can be classified as:

  1. Columnar vs row staggered: Columnar keyboards are generally considered as more ergonomic
  2. Split vs non-split: Split means the left hand and right hand part of the keyboard are separated
  3. 3D concave key well vs 2D flat keyboard: The keys on a 2D flat keyboard are on the same plane. A keyboard with a 3D concave key well has the keys arranged in a bowl shape shaped to human hands
However, beyond these three classifications, many ergonomic factors should be considered when making a purchase decision. We hope this table will help you make an informed choice.

This table is collated from publicly available and private information. We have tried our best to be accurate and objective. If the source of information is private, details are provided in the footnotes. If there are any inaccuracies, please inform us at MoErgo does not make any representation as to the accuracy of the information on this page; use this information at your own risk.
MoErgo Glove80 Kinesis Advantage360 Professional Kinesis Advantage2 ZSA Moonlander Mk. I
Glove80 Advantage360 Advantage2 Moonlander Mk1
RTings Best Ergonomic Keyboard for Enthusiasts
Price (USD)
List price excl. shipping Shipping included $479 $369 Shipping included
Price incl. shipping to San Francisco 1 $399 $479 2 $384.15 3 $365
Price incl. shipping & tax to San Francisco 4 $399 5 $520.31 6 $415.98 7 $365 8
Number of keys 80 74 68 keys + 18 mini keys 72
Function keys (physical)

Mini keys

3D concave key well

Thumb cluster 6-key 2-row curved 6-key rectangular 6-key rectangular 4-key
Split 9

Fixed split

Neutral tilt 10

?? 11
Tenting 12
Continuously adjustable

3 fixed positions

Continuously adjustable
Low keyboard height 13

Low travel switches 14

Suitable for long pinky 15

?? 16
Suitable for short pinky 17
18 19 ?? 20
Suitable for bigger hands 21

?? 22
Suitable for smaller hands 23
?? 24 ?? 25 ?? 26
Keys and Layout
Key switch choice Linear, Tactile, Clicky Tactile Tactile Linear, Tactile, Clicky
Hotswap socket

Keycap material POM ABS ABS PBT
Keycap language US UK DE DK NO SE FR ES IT JP
*Add-on sets cost extra
*Non-US models cost extra
Colemak & Dvorak

$75 extra for Dvorak keycap set

Advantage2 QD at extra cost for Dvorak

Per-key RGB LED

Wireless (Bluetooth LE)

Multi-device support
4 BLE + 1 USB

5 BLE + 1 USB

Dimensions and Travel Friendliness
Width 372mm (14.6 in) 382mm (15.0 in) 419mm (16.5 in) 339mm (13.3 in)
Depth (w/o palm rests) 168mm (6.6 in) N/A N/A 166mm (6.5 in)
Depth (with palm rests) 206mm (8.1 in) 203mm (8.0 in) 203mm (8.0 in) 246mm (9.69 in)
Height 60mm (2.36 in) 76.2mm (3.0 in) 73mm (2.875 in) 29mm (1.1 in)
Weight 600g (1 lb 5 oz) 1.45kg (3 lb 3 oz) 1kg (2 lb 3 oz) 800g (1 lb 12 oz)
Detachable palm rest

Firmware and Configurator
Opensource firmware


Web-based configurator

Social sharing of keyboard layouts

Rearrangeable keycaps to match layout 27

Finger keys cannot be rearranged with thumb keys
Custom mounting support

$79 for tripod kit
Electronics extension support
6 digital GPIOs 28

Anchor points for sidecar

OS Supported iOS iPadOS Windows 7-11, Windows 7-11, iOS iPadOS

  1. San Francisco is chosen as an example delivery location. Landed prices for other locations will vary.↩︎

  2. Information retrieved from, shipping to San Francisco, USA. Last checked in July 2023↩︎

  3. Information retrieved from, shipping to San Francisco, USA. Last checked in December 2022↩︎

  4. San Francisco is chosen as an example delivery location. Landed prices for other locations will vary.↩︎

  5. Fulfillment from outside USA. Assumes no import tax and tariff due to De Minimis of US$800 []. Use tax or similar excluded. Please note this is for information only, and not tax advice.↩︎

  6. Information retrieved from, shipping to San Francisco, USA. Last checked in July 2023↩︎

  7. Information retrieved from, shipping to San Francisco, USA. Last checked in December 2022↩︎

  8. Fulfillment from outside USA. Assumes no import tax and tariff due to De Minimis of US$800 []. Use tax or similar excluded. Please note this is for information only, and not tax advice.↩︎

  9. A full split allows two halves to be independently positioned. A fixed split does not.↩︎

  10. Neutral tilt helps prevent the wrists from bending upwards (wrist extension) which is a common cause of wrist pain↩︎

  11. Unknown; further information required. Please contact us at if you can help↩︎

  12. Tenting helps prevent forearm pronation. Continuously adjustable tenting allows for tenting angle to be adjusted continuously, rather than in discrete steps↩︎

  13. Low keyboard height (as measured by the height of the lowest keycap to the desk) is considered important for comfortable typing on a wider range of desk heights keyboard height comparison: Glove80 vs Kinesis Advantage↩︎

  14. Low switch travel distance reduces the necessary finger movements, which can reduce finger fatigue↩︎

  15. Based on general observation of the category. Suitability for a specific person will vary depending on personal characteristics, and is subject to many other factors. A does not mean the keyboard is necessarily suitable for a specific person; a does not mean the keyboard is not suitable for a specific person↩︎

  16. Unknown; further information required. Please contact us at if you can help↩︎

  17. Based on general observation of the category. Suitability for a specific person will vary depending on personal characteristics, and is subject to many other factors. A does not mean the keyboard is necessarily suitable for a specific person; a does not mean the keyboard is not suitable for a specific person↩︎

  18. Based on the personal experience of Stephen Cheng with Kinesis Advantage series of keyboards↩︎

  19. Based on the personal experience of Stephen Cheng with Kinesis Advantage series of keyboards↩︎

  20. Unknown; further information required. Please contact us at if you can help↩︎

  21. Based on general observation of the category. Suitability for a specific person will vary depending on personal characteristics, and is subject to many other factors. A does not mean the keyboard is necessarily suitable for a specific person; a does not mean the keyboard is not suitable for a specific person↩︎

  22. Unknown; further information required. Please contact us at if you can help↩︎

  23. Based on general observation of the category. Suitability for a specific person will vary depending on personal characteristics, and is subject to many other factors. A does not mean the keyboard is necessarily suitable for a specific person; a does not mean the keyboard is not suitable for a specific person↩︎

  24. Unknown; further information required. Please contact us at if you can help↩︎

  25. Unknown; further information required. Please contact us at if you can help↩︎

  26. Unknown; further information required. Please contact us at if you can help↩︎

  27. Keycap rearrangement requires keycaps to be of the same keycap profile to keep the same ergonomics↩︎

  28. Advanced feature; warranty does not cover the use of the GPIOs↩︎
