Due to carrier restrictions, USA orders are suspended until 2 April.

Clearance Sale: Grey Glove80 with Red 50gf Linear Switches for US$369

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Glove80 Silent Switch Upgrade Kit

This upgrade kit is comprised of a pair of Glove80 top shells with the silent switches (Cherry Blossom or Plum Blossom, as selected) pre-soldered and mounted on the top shell. It is designed for upgrading Glove80s with the silent switches without soldering.

You will need a screwdriver to replace the existing top shells. The instructions are documented at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xuwPQYxuKYiDygSaQ58AlzwZEKHghuNW9yPV5NOcZK4/edit?usp=sharing
NOTES: To order this kit, you must be an existing Glove80 customer. After placing the order, please email support@moergo.com with your previous Glove80 order number (or Kickstarter/Backerkit email address for the early customers), as well as the new order number. Quantity limited to 1 set per customer. Orders that do not satisfy these criteria will be canceled. Thank you. 

SHIPPING NOTES: For destination countries that require DHL Express or other non-standard delivery methods, please contact support@moergo.com since a special shipping quote would be necessary. Thank you!
